Evil Exposed - Truth Being Told!
North Korea- Don't Believe The Media Hype
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 | Subject: North Korea | Category: gov

A recent article in TIME magazine stated that North Korea is the most hated country by Americans. Considering the fact that 99.99% of Americans have never been to North Korea, I think it's fair to say that this opinion is based solely on US media propaganda.

When questioned, the average American will mention Communism, lack of citizen freedom, oppressive government and Nuclear threat as to why North Korea is so "evil". 

Well lets separate the facts from propaganda shall we:

N. Korea is not a Communist Regime it's Socialist, like what Republicans call Obama. 

Assuming that US media portrayal of oppression and lack of freedom is correct, is it really much different than the USA? The NSA reads all of our text messages, listens to our phone calls and monitors our internet activity. There are empty concentration camps in every state waiting for martial law.

Nuclear threat? Well N. Korea has never used Atomic power on a nation but the USA has - more than once. The only reason the USA has not invaded N. Korea is because of this. So it's more of a protection from invasion for them than "threat" as the US media attempts to spin successfully.

Conversely in N. Korea there is no homeless problem as in the USA. Homelessness is really the disgrace of America. How can you possibly point the finger at another country when the you are the wealthiest country on the planet and 15% of the population lives in poverty?  Factually; 46.2 million people in the US living below the poverty line of $23,000 for a family of four.

In the video above from N. Korean TV shows the public there how bad life in the USA is. Funny isn't that what they do here?

To go a little deeper visit our sister site: IlluminatiPuppet.com

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