CEO: Cancer Drugs Are Only For Rich People
Subject: Bayer Pharmaceutical Company | Category: sci | Author: Editor
In a crass yet frank admission, Bayer CEO Marijn Dekkers said the company’s new cancer drug, Nexavar, is not “for Indians,” but “for western patients who c
Multiple Personality Disorder Government Created
Subject: Dissociative Identity Disorder | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) formerly known as multiple personality disorder became widely known in the 1980's. The first known cases of the DID we
Cure Is A Four Letter Word
Subject: Diseases And Medial Research | Category: sci | Author: Editor
FACT: The last major disease cured was Polio in 1955, that is almost 60 years!. In the USA alone 100 BILLION dollars is spent every year on medical research yet
The Best Kept Secret in America
Subject: Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | Category: sci | Author:
Formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute is an independent not-for-profit organization which seeks to combine re
Ebola Another New World Order Depopulation Scheme
Subject: Ebola US Patent CA2741523A1 | Category: sci | Author: Editor
The Ebola epidemic that is currently big news in the US and world media is another NWO effort to depopulate the earth of undesirables. Like AIDS its genesis is
CDC Admits Air Transmission of Disease
Subject: Ebola Is Airborne | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Although mainstream media and news would like you believe the company line that Ebola is only spread via bodily fluids, on their website they actually tell the
What If Everything You Know Is A Lie
Subject: Science and History | Category: sci | Author: Editor
There is a war going on right now and it doesn't involve guns or the military industrial complex.
It’s a war on consciousness and
Kills More People Than The Disease
Subject: Measles Vaccine | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Media (like it does most things) buries statistics and studies pointing to vaccine dangers
Since 2005, the MMR vaccine has killed
How They Affect Your Mind
Subject: Subliminal Messages in Advertising | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Have you ever wondered why we are so addicted to sex, drugs, food, fear, and violence? Are these addictions natural or have we been conditioned to become a
Energy Drinks Contain Bull Urine And Semen
Subject: Red Bull | Category: sci | Author: Editor
A study done by Longhorn Cattle Company, tested some of the top energy drink brands such as Red Bull, Monster, etc. What they found might leave your sto
You Won’t Believe What Happened Next
Subject: Man Built A Gold Pyramid Home | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Jim Onan was a man who always admired Egyptian culture and stumbled upon a university study one day suggesting that Pyramids at Giza generated energy. Jim
Found Dead Floating In River
Subject: Doctor Who Linked Vaccines To Autism | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Dr. Jeff Bradstreet a prominent autism researcher and vaccine opponent was found dead floating in a North Carolina river last week under what many are call
Experts Confirm Is Causing Americans To Get Cancer
Subject: Fukushima | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear joins Thom. The worst nuclear accident in recent history wasn’t unexpected – that’s according to an internal document recovered from
Created and Patented By The Rockefellers
Subject: Zika Virus | Category: sci | Author: Editor
According to WHO “Zika virus expands explosively” and the infectious agent, possibly genetically modified mosquitoes Panda foremen psychopaths who control
The Greatest Cover Up In History
Subject: SHOCKING NEWS The Pineal Gland | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Watch this must see video.
Then Google what Fluoride does to the Pineal Gland. Then consider that governments and municipalities spend MILLIONS
The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks
Subject: Scientist Documentary | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Scientist Mike Adams has risked his life and livelihood to blow the whistle on this world wide evil agenda. As mentioned in the documentary he is now in hiding
The Transhumanism Agenda
Subject: The Singularity is HERE | Category: sci | Author: Editor
If you are unfamiliar with Transhumanism let's first get you up to speed-
Transhumanism is an international movement that advocates the use of
Eviscerates Bill Gates on Vaccines
Subject: Robert F Kennedy Jr | Category: sci | Author: Editor
The son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of the greatest and LAST real president of the USA John F. Kennedy is a staunch opponent of vaccination. <
The Banned Documentary They Don't Want You To See
Subject: Died Suddenly | Category: sci | Author: Editor
The elite controlled mainstream media and all its assets are out in full force against the Died Suddenly documentary.
The film dives deep into the suppr