Evil Exposed - Truth Being Told!

(39) Records returned

CEO: Cancer Drugs Are Only For Rich People
Subject: Bayer Pharmaceutical Company | Category: sci | Author: Editor
In a crass yet frank admission, Bayer CEO Marijn Dekkers said the company’s new cancer drug, Nexavar, is not “for Indians,” but “for western patients who c [...]
Multiple Personality Disorder Government Created
Subject: Dissociative Identity Disorder | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) formerly known as multiple personality disorder became widely known in the 1980's. The first known cases of the DID we [...]
Cure Is A Four Letter Word
Subject: Diseases And Medial Research | Category: sci | Author: Editor
FACT: The last major disease cured was Polio in 1955, that is almost 60 years!. In the USA alone 100 BILLION dollars is spent every year on medical research yet [...]
The Best Kept Secret in America
Subject: Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | Category: sci | Author:

Formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute is an independent not-for-profit organization which seeks to combine re [...]

Ebola Another New World Order Depopulation Scheme
Subject: Ebola US Patent CA2741523A1 | Category: sci | Author: Editor
The Ebola epidemic that is currently big news in the US and world media is another NWO effort to depopulate the earth of undesirables. Like AIDS its genesis is [...]
Dr Eric Pianka Says Airborne Ebola Is The Best Depopulation Tool
Subject: Ebola Airborne Depopulation | Category: sci | Author: Editor
CDC Admits Air Transmission of Disease
Subject: Ebola Is Airborne | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Although mainstream media and news would like you believe the company line that Ebola is only spread via bodily fluids, on their website they actually tell the [...]
NEWS FROM GHANNA: Ebola is not real and the only people who have gotten sick are those who have received treatments and injections from the Red Cross
Subject: Ebola Vaccine | Category: sci | Author: Editor
People in the Western World need to know what's happening here in West Africa. THEY ARE LYING!!! "Ebola" as a virus does NOT Exist and is NOT "Spread". The [...]
Subject: Ebola Airborne Confirmed | Category: sci | Author: Editor

The highly respected Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota just advised the U.S. Centers for Diseas [...]

Ebola Patient Dr Kent Brantly Discharged Cured of Deadly Disease BUT THERE IS NO CURE
Subject: Ebola Hoax | Category: sci | Author:
70% of Ebola victims have died but Dr. is miraculously cured in days. Hmm..
Ebola Nurse Boyfriend Reportedly Admitted With Ebola Symptoms
Subject: Ebola Spreading | Category: sci | Author: Editor
For a disease that is supposedly very hard to catch, it seams to be spreading fast...

The boyfriend of Nina Pham has been admitted to a hospital wit [...]
Doctor Health Authorities Covering Up Ebola Like Cases In USA
Subject: Ebola Coverup | Category: sci | Author:
A doctor has exclusively revealed to Infowars that health authorities are covering up Ebola cases in the United States and disappearing patients in an effo [...]
What If Everything You Know Is A Lie
Subject: Science and History | Category: sci | Author: Editor
There is a war going on right now and it doesn't involve guns or the military industrial complex.

It’s a war on consciousness and [...]
Humans Are Part Of A Massive Experiment
Subject: Geneticist David Suzuki | Category: sci | Author: Sushi


Kills More People Than The Disease
Subject: Measles Vaccine | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Media (like it does most things) buries statistics and studies pointing to vaccine dangers

Since 2005, the MMR vaccine has killed [...]
Kills Pituitary Gland In Brain Sixth Sense And Dumbs Us Down
Subject: Fluoride | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Much has been written on the debate over the benefits vs. harm / non necessity of Fluoridated water. If you are not aware, Fluoride is not just in tap water but [...]
How Much Money Does Big Pharma Pay Doctors to Peddle Prescription Meds
Subject: Doctor Drug Dealers | Category: sci | Author: Editor
In 2013, drug and medical device corporations paid out a minimum of $3.5 billion in substantial payments to various doctors and hospitals. It’s money that [...]
Rats Fed Lifetime of Genetically Modified Corn Grow Horrifying Tumors
Subject: GMO Study | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Eating genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming trace levels of Monsanto's Roundup chemical fertilizer caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, w [...]
How They Affect Your Mind
Subject: Subliminal Messages in Advertising | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Have you ever wondered why we are so addicted to sex, drugs, food, fear, and violence? Are these addictions natural or have we been conditioned to become a [...]
Energy Drinks Contain Bull Urine And Semen
Subject: Red Bull | Category: sci | Author: Editor
A study done by Longhorn Cattle Company, tested some of the top energy drink brands such as Red Bull, Monster, etc. What they found might leave your sto [...]
You Won’t Believe What Happened Next
Subject: Man Built A Gold Pyramid Home | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Jim Onan was a man who always admired Egyptian culture and stumbled upon a university study one day suggesting that Pyramids at Giza generated energy. Jim [...]
Ex-Satanist Says Babies Ritually Aborted For Devil Worship In Clinics
Subject: Abortion | Category: sci | Author: Editor
In light of the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of the organs and tissues of preborn babies, the Lepanto Institute interviewed form [...]
DNA Tuning and the Bastardization of Music
Subject: The A=432 Hz Frequency | Category: sci | Author: Editor


Subject: MURDERED HOLISTIC DOCTORS | Category: sci | Author: Editor
So apparently the holistic doctors who were all being killed in FL had found out via their research that the nagalase enzyme protein is INTENTIONALLY being [...]
Physicists Prove Possible by Sending Particles of Light into the Past
Subject: Time Travel | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Scientists from the University of Queensland have used photons (single particles of light) to simulate quantum particles travelling through time.
Found Dead Floating In River
Subject: Doctor Who Linked Vaccines To Autism | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Dr. Jeff Bradstreet a prominent autism researcher and vaccine opponent was found dead floating in a North Carolina river last week under what many are call [...]
Experts Confirm Is Causing Americans To Get Cancer
Subject: Fukushima | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear joins Thom. The worst nuclear accident in recent history wasn’t unexpected – that’s according to an internal document recovered from [...]
Nevada Just Killed the Solar Industry with 40 Percent Tax Hike Derailing the Off Grid Movement
Subject: Solar Power | Category: sci | Author: Editor


Created and Patented By The Rockefellers
Subject: Zika Virus | Category: sci | Author: Editor
According to WHO “Zika virus expands explosively” and the infectious agent, possibly genetically modified mosquitoes Panda foremen psychopaths who control [...]
US Government Quietly Admits to Modifying Weather
Subject: HAARP Weather Modification | Category: sci | Author: Editor

As the [...]

The Greatest Cover Up In History
Subject: SHOCKING NEWS The Pineal Gland | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Watch this must see video.

Then Google what Fluoride does to the Pineal Gland. Then consider that governments and municipalities spend MILLIONS [...]
The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks
Subject: Scientist Documentary | Category: sci | Author: Editor
Scientist Mike Adams has risked his life and livelihood to blow the whistle on this world wide evil agenda. As mentioned in the documentary he is now in hiding [...]
Charged With Bribing Doctors to Prescribe Opioid Painkillers
Subject: Pharma Billionaire Arrested | Category: sci | Author: Editor


The Transhumanism Agenda
Subject: The Singularity is HERE | Category: sci | Author: Editor
If you are unfamiliar with Transhumanism let's first get you up to speed- 

Transhumanism is an international movement that advocates the use of [...]
Guess WHO Funded the PIRBRIGHT Institute Which Owns A Patent On Coronavirus
Subject: Coronavirus | Category: sci | Author: Editor

Bel [...]

Eviscerates Bill Gates on Vaccines
Subject: Robert F Kennedy Jr | Category: sci | Author: Editor
The son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of the greatest and LAST real president of the USA John F. Kennedy is a staunch opponent of vaccination. 
< [...]
Buffalo Shooting Victim Made a Car that Runs on Water and Tried To Patent
Subject: Aaron Salter | Category: sci | Author: Editor

The Oil industry is a multitrillion-dollar a year business. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to know people have killed for trilli [...]
Mock Sacrifice to The GOD Shiva Caught on Camera
Subject: CERN | Category: sci | Author: Editor
CERN - the European Organization for Nuclea [...]
The Banned Documentary They Don't Want You To See
Subject: Died Suddenly | Category: sci | Author: Editor
The elite controlled mainstream media and all its assets are out in full force against the Died Suddenly documentary.

The film dives deep into the suppr [...]

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