Really, What's Up With All The Egyptian Stuff?
Subject: United States of America | Category: gov | Author: Editor
occult symbolism within the government of United States of America is
hidden in plain sight. In virtually every important edifice, our
currency and wi
Don't Believe The Media Hype
Subject: North Korea | Category: gov | Author: Editor
A recent article in TIME magazine stated that North Korea is the most hated country by Americans. Considering the fact that 99.99% of Americans have never
Mind Control Glitches On Live TV
Subject: MK Ultra | Category: gov | Author: Editor
MK Ultra is a top secret recently declassified US Government project that focused on behavioral engineering of humans. The project started in the 1950's an
Think The Illuminati Is Not Real?
Subject: George Washington | Category: gov | Author:
If you are one of the deceived that believe that the Illuminati does not exist and is a myth please read on. In a document that can be found
Former LA FBI Head Exposes Gov. Satanic Sacrifice
Subject: Ted Gunderson | Category: gov | Author: Editor
Ted Gunderson (November 7, 1928 - July 31, 2011 ) joined the FBI in December 1951 under the Hoover Adminstration. He served in the Mobile, Knoxville, New York C
A List Of 97 Taxes Americans Pay Every Year
Subject: Taxes | Category: gov | Author:
If you are like most Americans, paying taxes is one of your pet peeves. This year Americans will spend more than 7 billion hours preparing their taxes and
Internet Kill Switch In Case Truth Goes Viral
Subject: Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act (PCNAA) | Category: gov | Author: Editor
H.R. 5548 (111th): Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010 aka "Internet Kill Switch"is a Congressional bill submitted that is awaiting vote by Co
CIA Tracks Facebook Twitter And Other Social Networks
Subject: Big Brother George Orwell's Movie 1984 Has Come True | Category: gov | Author: Editor
The CIA has an entire building devoted to monitoring media, online and off. The George Orwell movie 1984 has come true.Before you tweet an i
Is This Mystery Man Immune From Ebola?
Subject: Is Ebola Merely A Scare Tactic? | Category: gov | Author:
A man in plain clothes without a hazmat suit or any protection whatsoever helped suited up workers transport Ebola victim Amber Vinson from Dallas Love Fi
How The Illuminati Made Obama President
Subject: Barack | Category: gov | Author: Editor
In 2008 everything came crashing down. We were in the apex of the recession, people were losing their homes and jobs. Wall Street was crashing and the sky was f
Current Depopulation Methods Right Under Our Noses
Subject: Population Control | Category: gov | Author: Editor
It is no secret that New World Order proponents want less of us around. They have no problem openly admitting this. Influential people such as Bill Gates, Ted T
Cannot Account for $8.5 TRILLION Spent Since 1996
Subject: Pentagon | Category: gov | Author: Editor
If you thought the botched rollout of Obamacare, the government shutdown, or the sequester represented Washington dysfunction at its worst, wait until you
List US Senators Who Voted Against
Subject: Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2015 Fails In Congress | Category: gov | Author: Editor
The Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2015 failed to advance on Tuesday. While the Senate voted 53-44 in favor of the bill, sixty votes were required for
Subject: US Gov Zombie Apocalypse Plan | Category: gov | Author: Editor
A few year ago, the Center for Disease Control launched a zombie preparedness initiative that drew significant attention. The Department of Defense fo
But NOT State Use to Shift Blame Away From US Gov
Subject: Feds Announce End of Private Prison Use | Category: gov | Author: Editor
CNBC - Shares of two major prison stocks dropped sharply Thursday after a report the U.S. Justice Department will end the use of private prisons. But at le
Exposes Worldwide Pedophile Network
Subject: Australian 60 Minutes | Category: gov | Author: Editor
Australian 60 Minutes published a story that 60 Minutes (America) would never dare touch.
In America and the UK, the Pedophi
Fighting for Opium
Subject: The Afghanistan Deception | Category: gov | Author: Editor
The US government has a 18 year deception going on with no end in sight. It's called the Afghanistan War. They have the American public believing there is a "wa
The COVID Conspiracy
Subject: Coronavirus | Category: gov | Author: Editor
The Earth is being ravaged not by a "virus" but by a conspiracy concocted decades ago. The Coronavirus is a strain the f
Directors Caught Selling Baby Parts On Video
Subject: Planned Parenthood | Category: gov | Author: Editor
It has long been suspected that Planned Parenthood financed by good old Uncle Sam was up to devious works - aside from killing unborn babies. The whole Pro-Choi