About Us


Several years ago I stumbled upon information that changed the way I saw the world. At first it was very frightening and disappointing. After the initial shock I realized I needed to know more, thus my quest for knowledge began. After becoming versed on who really, really runs the world I knew it was imperative I let people know.

The purpose of Evil-Exposed is to bring to light individuals and institutions that through their actions appear to be employed or facilitated to accomplish the Illuminati / New World Order Agenda. If you do not know what the Illuminati is read: What is the Illuminati?. I realize that most people do not have the desire to step out side their comfort zone or believe that ignorance is bliss. However if I can reach one person mission accomplished.

I strongly suggest that you read the information on this website and continue your independent search for knowledge. I also encourage you to check out the recommended reading section.

God bless you in your search for knowledge, only the TRUTH can set you free.

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