Evil Exposed - Truth Being Told!
Drill Music - Monetizing Murder
Monday, March 27, 2023 | Subject: Drill Music | Category: business

Drill Music is a subgenre of hip hop music that originated in Chicago in the early 2010's. It is essentially Trap music with Gangster Rap lyrics. However it takes Gangster Rap to a whole new level. Instead of hypothetical bravado, Drill artists are actual gang members bragging about past and future homicides they and their crew have committed.

Drill artists generally rap about the murders of their "opps" or opposition. The music is dark and gritty, while the music videos are full of weapon flashing simulated trigger pulls. 

The music perpetuates more violence as the gangs seek revenge for braggadocio of the rival gangs songs. They then commit retaliatory murders and drop another Drill song to celebrate. It would be comical if it were not real, but people are dying.

The videos are then posted to YouTube, Instagram and like websites who have no problem monetizing this content. Many of these “artists” songs then become viral and the Illuminati controlled music industry signs them to actual record deals – because all that matters is money. Then the music is promoted, streamed, and mainstreamed. 

So now we have the monetizing of murder. Record companies have long been known to encourage artists to push the violence envelope, now it has become all too real. They are literally killing two birds with one stone with Drill, getting undesirables to exterminate each other while making money doing it.

Evil Exposed.

To go a little deeper visit our sister site: IlluminatiPuppet.com

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