Evil Exposed - Truth Being Told!
Commonwealth Games 2022- Ritual to BAAL in Plain Sight
Tuesday, December 6, 2022 | Subject: Commonwealth Games 2022 | Category: nwo

The opening for the 2022 Commonwealth Games, kicked off with a BAAL worship ceremony and praise to the Biblical Tower of Babel. This obviously has nothing to do with a sporting event that is second only to the Olympic Games, but rather an ode the to the God of this word Lucifer. The games were held in Birmingham, England from 28 July to 8 August 2022 and commenced by Prince Charles of England. 

Baal meaning LORD is the ancient fertility god worshipped in many ancient Middle Eastern communities, including the Canaanites and Babylonians, Baal is known for requiring the sacrifice of children. Baal is described in the Bible as a Bull with horns.

At this point they are making it obvious in their desire to usher in a New World Order under Luciferian control. Unbeknownst to most spectators, they all participated in a mass ritual/worship ceremony. 

Baal worship is very much alive today, in fact they want us ALL to worship him.

Evil Exposed.

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