Evil Exposed - Truth Being Told!
Balenciaga- The Elites Agenda to Normalize Pedophilia
Friday, December 2, 2022 | Subject: Balenciaga | Category: business

Balenciaga is not the only company pushing occult practices and degeneracy to the masses, no more than Jeffery Epstein was singular in the participation of child sex trafficking. What was done in secrecy is now being done in the open. Make no mistake, Balenciaga’s ad campaign displaying children with bondage dolls and occult symbolism was deliberate.

Gradual social engineering is a highly used tool by the occult elite. For example, children are exposed to violent cartoons to desensitize us to death and murder. Video games purposely depict extreme violence and degeneracy. In the video game Grand Theft Auto for example you can hire a prostitute, kill her and take your money back. Social Engineering has been going on for over a hundred years, see our article on Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. Now its being used to push the pedophilic normalcy agenda.

The parent company of Balenciaga is the Keiring Co. The CEO François-Henri Pinault is the husband of actress Salma Hayak. His father François Pinault was the founder of the company. Keiring owns Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Puma, Alexander McQueen and Christie's among many other luxury brands. Christie's is an auction house that sells – child sex doll mannequins

The occult elites practices can be traced back to ancient times. The worship of Babylonian Gods such a Baal never ended, it was just not openly practiced, until now. Baal is the ancient fertility god worshipped in many ancient Middle Eastern communities, including the Canaanites and Babylonians, Baal is known for requiring the sacrifice of children. In the same Balenciaga ad, they “mistakenly” misspelled Balenciaga BAALenciaga in the view of the photo, by coincidence surely. Interestingly as well, when translated from Latin Baal Enci Aga means Baal Is King. So many coincidences.

The end goal of the elite is to normalize degenerate behaviors such a pedophilia to the masses. By not rejecting these not-so-subtle suggestions, the masses are giving implied consent, participation if you will. Basically, you are using your free will by participating, and not rejecting obvious evil. This is the point; in occult terms it is called Revelation of the Method aka predictive programming. The occult elite love telling you what they are doing. They are now screaming it loudly.

To go a little deeper visit our sister site: IlluminatiPuppet.com

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