Evil Exposed - Truth Being Told!
The Afghanistan Deception- Fighting for Opium
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 | Subject: The Afghanistan Deception | Category: gov

The US government has a 18 year deception going on with no end in sight. It's called the Afghanistan War. They have the American public believing there is a "war on terror" against a foe that owns no tanks or planes, has no Navy or  Air Force, no Army or Marines. But one thing Afghanistan does have is Opium poppy and a lot of it. 

In fact Afghanistan produces 90% of the worlds Opium. Starting to get the picture as to why we occupy Afghanistan? It makes the Iran Contra scandal look like a corner drug deal.

Opium is used to produce: Heroin, Morphine, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone (aka Vicodin), Codeine, Hydromorphone, Percocet and very dangerous Fentanyl

* Opiods are a 100 Billion dollar a year business. 

* Since the invasion of Afghanistan opium production is up 40%

* 1 million pounds of Opium enter the USA every year from Afghanistan

* Afghan farmers and drug smugglers only make 5% of the total drug income according to the Afghan Counter Drug Ministry.

So this begs the questions:

How are they able to maintain such high production & run a worldwide drug empire despite the USA occupation?

Who is making all the money?

Who is protecting the crops?

Who coordinates shipments?

Ask the Pentagon. This is why this is a never ending war. There is in fact a war going on, that is true but its a war over drugs. The USA is fighting the Afghan rebel drug cartels over Opium poppy fields and production. 

The war on terror is a lie. Follow the money. 

To go a little deeper visit our sister site: IlluminatiPuppet.com

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