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The Singularity is HERE - The Transhumanism Agenda
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 | Subject: The Singularity is HERE | Category: sci

If you are unfamiliar with Transhumanism let's first get you up to speed- 

Transhumanism is an international movement that advocates the use of science and technology to overcome the "natural" limitations experienced my humanity. By means of:

The Singularity - The creation of machine intelligence that exceed the capabilities of our biological brains 

Cloning - The ability to replicate individual minds and put them into solid state bodies or virtual environments

Cognitive Enhancement - Manipulation of mental & emotional states, enhancing functionalities or ecstasies   

Most likely this all sounds science fiction to you, but it is not. Countless billions even trillions of dollars are being spent on research and perfection of these sciences. Ever hear of the Black Budget?

Additionally the US military employs countless non human / partially human "individuals" for special operations and intelligence missions. Not only does the US Gov. have military world superiority but more so it has scientific superhuman advantage. 

This this technology is being perfected at many top universities funded by the federal government and private individuals. Jeffrey Epstein the deceased CIA employed sex trafficker contributed millions to such schools as MIT's Media Lab. The MIT Media Lab researches guess what? Transhumanism. 

This is just a general overview. The subject of transhumanism is far more inclusive and includes subjects such as:

* human replacement / eugenics
* depopulation 
* immortality/ longevity
* post humanity
* transgender agenda
* sex robots
.. and much more

You will not be informed by what is presented to you on mainstream media sources. Research learn and become aware.

Transcendence -  R.U. Sirius & Jay  Cornell
The Singularity is Near - Ray Kurzweil

To go a little deeper visit our sister site: IlluminatiPuppet.com

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