Evil Exposed - Truth Being Told!
Population Control- Current Depopulation Methods Right Under Our Noses
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 | Subject: Population Control | Category: gov

It is no secret that New World Order proponents want less of us around. They have no problem openly admitting this. Influential people such as Bill Gates, Ted Turner and David Rockefeller have all stated on record on numerous occasions how they desire to have billions of us wiped off the planet. Most simply ignore this as idle chatter or ramblings of the eccentric.

Unfortunately this is not idle chatter. It is also important to consider who it is making these statements. These people are not bums on the street with bullhorns, these are the wealthy and elite, they have the power, influence and wealth to make their wishes reality.

Unbeknownst to most this is already in full motion and has been for some time.

Current depopulation (population control) tactics used by the New World Order elite include:

Abortion / Eugenics (50 Million Deaths / yr)- Planned Parenthood was created by Margaret Sanger for this reason alone.

Bio-engineered Diseases (5 Million Deaths / yr) - Ebola, AIDS etc, etc, etc.

Elicit (Illegal) Drugs Sales. (2 Million Deaths / yr)  - Iran Contra anyone? Drugs serve two purposes: Profit and kills people - win, win.

War (2 Million Deaths / yr)- War helps the elite obtain resources and wealth while killing millions. 85 Million people died in WW2 alone!

Slow Poising of Food and Water - GMO's (genetically modified organisms), Fluoridation

Starvation - (5 Million Deaths / yr) Even though some individuals have the wealth to end hunger it still persists - for reason.

Vaccines - Required vaccines that increase infant mortality and do the opposite of its stated objective. See Bill Gates article.

These are just some of the larger methods in place, smaller methods such as law enforcement also are part of the large scale agenda to rid the planet of billions of people.

While we are busy distracted by entertainment and the struggles of life they busy are scheming new methods of genocide. The first step is awareness.

The real enemy is our own ignorance.

To go a little deeper visit our sister site: IlluminatiPuppet.com

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