Evil Exposed - Truth Being Told!
Planned Parenthood- Directors Caught Selling Baby Parts On Video
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 | Subject: Planned Parenthood | Category: gov

It has long been suspected that Planned Parenthood financed by good old Uncle Sam was up to devious works - aside from killing unborn babies. The whole Pro-Choice slogan and movement is simply a facade and brainwashing technique used to convince the masses that killing unborn babies is legal, ethical and your "choice".

Well the Center For Medical Progress managed to sneak cameras into Planned Parenthood and catch various Planned Parenthood directors admitting to and negotiating selling fetus parts. And guess what? THEY were charged with 15 felony counts for illegally video taping. This proves the federal gov is in collusion.

Watch the disgusting video below:

Like everything else Planned Parenthood is about money. It has nothing to do with choice. They need women to abort babies to they can sell the parts for medical uses as well as get collagen to make cosmetics among other things. 

Planned Parenthood has been a farce from the start. Created by eugenicist Margaret Sanger with the intent to lower the minority population. Now it seems they have found other benefits of "choice".

Watch the the full investigative footage:

Please share this information. People need to be aware of what Planned Parenthood really is about.

To go a little deeper visit our sister site: IlluminatiPuppet.com

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