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Racial Core- The Abusive Relationship Between Blacks and America
Friday, June 5, 2020 | Subject: Racial Core | Category: gov

There is no better analogy of the relationship between America and Black people than an abusive relationship.

An abusive relationship can be both physical or mental. African Americans experience both and this has had a devastating impact on their collective well being. The abuser in the relationship claims to love the abused.  He makes all types of excuses as to why he is physically and/or mentally abusive. Sometimes he may be unapologetic and just simply cruel,  but more than likely after the abuse is brought to his attention, he is remorseful tries to make amends, says he will never do it again, says baby I'm sorry & let's go to counseling. He may appease or buy her something. But what always ends up happening?  The abuse never ends, he may be on good behavior a month or so and the cycle repeats. Often this cycle ends up in the abuser eventually terminating the life of the abused.

On the other hand the abused truly loves and/or depends on the on the abuser, be it financial or emotional. The abused does not believe she can make it on their own. She wishes live in harmony and wishes the abuser would simply love her. She gives the abuser repeated chances, often rejecting the help of those attempting to help and separate her from the abuser. She defends the abuser from verbal and physical attacks in true Stockholm Syndrome fashion. Often when the police are called after an altercation she refuses to press charges. As we have all seen too many times the abuse simply gets worse to the point where she is eventually killed at the hands of the abuser.

Is this not what we see happening in America? The abuser (America) is still emotionally and physically abusing Blacks. There have been sit in's, marches, boycotts and riots. Repeatedly. It's like the movie Ground Hog Day.  The Civil Rights Movement was 60 years ago. Sure some concessions have been made, as any good abuser will do, but the abuse still continues. 

The reality of the situation is the abuser does not love the abused. You do not love someone you abuse, you are using them for whatever need you may have. You see Blacks were property of the abuser when brought to this nation and that mentality is entrenched in the psyche of the abuser to this day.  Blacks are still literally begging America for simple humanity. Think about that for a moment.

An abusive relationship ends in one of thee ways:

1) She stays and the abuse continues often leading to her eventual murder

2) She leaves "separates" from the abuser

3) She kills him like Farrah Faucet in movie The Burning Bed

The relationship has been stuck on #1 for decades in ground hog day fashion. 

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