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Subliminal Messages in Advertising- How They Affect Your Mind
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 | Subject: Subliminal Messages in Advertising | Category: sci

Have you ever wondered why we are so addicted to sex, drugs, food, fear, and violence? Are these addictions natural or have we been conditioned to become addicted to these things? If you understand how subliminal messages are used in advertising, you may agree with me that addictions are often not natural because they are usually the results of conditioned behaviors.

The Purpose of Subliminal Messages in Advertising

Since the day you were born, you have been bombarded with all types of negative subliminal and non-subliminal messages. Many companies created these messages to specifically target your subconscious mind, so that they can manipulate your mind to a certain point. Because of their subliminal tricks, they have slowly conditioned you to behave the way that they want you to behave.

Negative subliminal messages are some of the main reasons why our society is so obsessed with sex, drugs, food, and violence. A lot of negative subliminal messages are designed to provoke fear, racism, and segregation, which is why we have such a hard time getting along with other cultures and achieving world peace.

Some of the main purposes of advertising are to get you to be informed of certain products and services and to motivate you to buy them. To achieve these things, catchy lines, attractive graphics, seductive videos, and special offers are often used in ads to condition your subconscious to motivate you to act in certain ways toward a product or service.

Once they are able to manipulate your mind using negative subliminal messages, they can manipulate and control your behavior to a large degree. They are able to do this because you are not even aware that you are being manipulated. If subliminal messages did not work, why would companies spend millions of dollars per year on them?

Sigils, Word Magic, and Mnemonics in Advertising

Nowadays, subliminal ads are often incorporated with sigils, word magic, and mnemonics to create magic spells to reprogram your mind at a deeper level. Sigils, word magic, and mnemonics can not control 100 percent of your mind, but they do affect your mind more than you may realize.

The medium they like to use to broadcast or cast magic spells to reprogram your mind is TV. The acronym TV stands for television or “tell-a-vision.” Phonetically, television sounds like “tell-a-vision.” This type of word play is one of their favorite ways to hide their intention in plain sight. It is sometimes refer to as word magic.

The hidden agenda of TV/tell-a-vision is to use it to broadcast subliminal ads along with sigils, word magic, and mnemonics to tell you a vision to brainwash you. This is why TV shows are called programs, which are “mind control” programs used for conditioning your mind, so that they can control how you think. It is right in your face!

How to Protect Your Mind from Negative Subliminal Messages

To effectively protect your mind from negative subliminal messages, you first need to understand how they work. Subliminal messages are like magic tricks. Once you understand how they work, they can not trick you or manipulate your mind as much anymore. Another great way to protect your mind from negative subliminal messages is to increase your frequency by learning how to access high frequency energy.

If you watch a lot of TV, you should turn it off as much as possible. The flickering rate of TV affects your brain in a negative way, causing your brain activity to change from beta waves, which is a normal and awake state of mind, to primarily alpha waves. When your brain waves change to alpha waves, they cause you to be in a relaxed state of mind. In this trance-like state, your mind can easily be programmed.

This change in brain activity puts your mind in a dream-like state and thus it turns off the higher critical functions of your brain. Being in this trance state can be disempowering, because your mind can easily be manipulated into accepting any message as truth. This is why TV is so effective for manipulating your mind.

One of the best ways to protect your mind from negative subliminal messages in advertising is to stop allowing the mainstream media to teach you how to think. Also, learn to discipline your mind and be more responsible. Doing these things will make it harder for your ego to influence your decisions. Meditation is a great way to discipline your mind. A great article to read to learn how to meditate is titled 5 Tips on How to Meditate for Beginners.

Once you start detoxing your mind of negative subliminal messages, you will notice that many of your addictions will not affect you as much anymore. In addition, your stress levels will drop, causing you to have less emotional problems.

About the Author

P.L. Chang is the author and founder of EnergyFanatics.com and OmniThought.org, two informative blogs dedicated to exploring esoteric information about energy, health, conscious living, spiritual science, conspiracy, and exotic “free energy” technology. He is also the author of two books titled Staradigm: A Blueprint for Spiritual Growth, Happiness, Success and Well-Being and 40 Enlightening Tips to Increase and Balance Your Energy.


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