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Ebola Spreading- Ebola Nurse Boyfriend Reportedly Admitted With Ebola Symptoms
Wednesday, March 4, 2020 | Subject: Ebola Spreading | Category: sci

For a disease that is supposedly very hard to catch, it seams to be spreading fast...

The boyfriend of Nina Pham has been admitted to a hospital with Ebola symptoms. His employer Alcon sent an email out to the Alcon staff by its CEO reportedly saying that the ebola nurse’s boyfriend was admitted into hospital with “Ebola-like symptoms.”

The website Gotnews.com received word from two different Alcon employees, both of whom asked not to be identified.

Alcon’s U.S. headquarters are in Fort Worth, Texas. It is an ophthalmological pharmaceutical company.

Requests for comment from Alcon were not returned. We will update as more information is available.

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